- two lovers, one journey, sensing for homes away from home. say hi!WHERE SHOULD WE DROP ANCHOR?
- all you have to do is message us here.maybe you have an idea about places we should look at. maybe you want to intro us to someone. or maybe you met us on the playa and just want to high five!
- some of our many networks.we are uber-linked in the worlds of societally relevant innovation.BURNING MANwelcome home.both ayesha and habib are veteran burners behind this city in the desert, within its culture of possibility, among its network of dreamers and doers.SONUTION crewsonic solutions for humanity.habib is congregating a living laboratory of creatives using sound for resolving the world's resounding silence.TEDx organizerschanging the world 1 idea @ a timeayesha is organizer of TEDx UAEU and continues to volunteer, assist, and collaborate on other TEDx's worldwide.IMPACT HUB makerswhere change goes to work.habib is a Maker in this international platform of experiential learning and doing for impactful venturing, and a past cofounder of an impact hub.WoC communityconnecting change leaders.ayesha is a practitioner in the Web of Change, which connects diverse leaders working at the frontiers of technology and social change.CFANchange facilitation associates networkhabib has been a member of this circle, wherein he researched the link between integral spiral dynamics and war.AFAQ groupperceiving new vistas togetherboth ayesha and habib are involved in this impact investment holding company with stakes in healthcare, consumer goods, green energy, water treatment, and more.
- WE SHARE A LONGING... FOR SHARING A LODGINGWITH (AN)OTHER EXTRAORDINARY RESIDENT(S) OF THIS PLANET!there are so many stories we can write a new one upon:we've led lives enriched with impactful adventures...... all over this planet and across diverse boundaries85COUNTRIES VISITED, COMBINED15MOVEMENTS INVOLVED IN
- our 3 threeswe feel really responsible about our homes and the other people who tend to them with us. we've come to believe that minding 3 things (each with their own 3 aspects) make for a nurturing habitat for being epic, so you can do epic things:
This 3 is called a different things by people from different lenses --- some call it a bio-psycho-social system, others a holy trinity of mind- body- spirit -- but it's essentially referring to a triadic model of human development for health and happiness. Basically, we see that a place free of toxic allergens, toxic people, and toxic ideas, starts to nourish us.
Have you ever felt touched by a place? Has it changed you? Do you know why? We're familiar with curating spaces based on anthropological / social science research based on experiments around 'THE POWERS OF PLACE', detailing how relating to a place as if it were itself a living field, can make a subtly noticeable yet surprisingly profound contribution on the well-being of its inhabitants as well as leading them to collective epiphanies. Many in the world are permeating farms, renovating studios, or running co-houses based on this area of study. As this research evolves, a couple of 3's are emerging:
- 3 principles of these locational powers... such places exist
everywhere, such places are revealed not created, and such revelations are made through relationships.- 3 elements when it comes to a process of discovery of these powers...intention, action, and attention/intuition.
If you have power over a place, we can unlock its powers of place.
We believe that a habitat should help its inhabitants to sync their Personality, Passion, and Purpose ---- with a sustainable vocation that is itself aligned with the wider dimensions of People, Profit, and Planet. By knowing oneself and applying one's energies towards social, economic, and environmental ideals, our impact can be measurably improved on a Triple Bottom Line / 3BL basis. And its pillar is an enabling roof for the impactmaker.we are rootedin the emirate of dubaiit's our home. our fams are there. close friends are there. we're building ideas there into ventures. it's international. case in point: ayesha's lineage asian and trinidad & tobagan. habib's around the mediterranean.we've partneredfor a grander causewe unattached our love beyond desire to each other... into shared passion for service to the human sphere. by weaving TED, BM, Impact Hub, & various other networks, we link worlds with interveners.we've been jetting a lotand learned from itmeeting epic likeminded folks from istanbul to the bay to tokyo to costa rica to uganda to london, we saw what's unique and what's common. every city and village shines.we're innovatingsome very big conceptswe don't know what we're prototyping exactly, but all we learned is getting distilled into envisioning and creating something huge. habib can craft and pack its seed. ayesha can sprout and spread it.we're packedto build it in a home #2we know that we need to retreat for 4-6 months a year to build it. we don't feel dubai is its place. we have too much going on there. so we went frugally minimalist zen so we can travel with ease.we don't knowwhere we're goingwe're waiting for the where to find us. we're sensing. this is our call out to the world. this is our smoke signal. whether you're a summer cabin with an attic lab, or an apartment loft with a studio, say hi. - Openness in the Nowwe are ever-open... to diverse cultures, differing ideas, new technologies, alternative ways of living, and multiple futures. through this openness we include all unknown possibilities in the unfolding of our lives. we are also open... to sharing this openness with you, and be surrounded by an open environment that nurtures open trade and open source. that is our open will... presenced.Beautiful Kinshipwe greatly value beauty of the highest form. we are the artists, the colors, and the canvas. resplendent in beautiful places beholding a beautiful horizon, together with beautiful hearts. we repose in beautiful music too. wouldn't you too? that is why in consort with beauty, we uphold a sense of tribal chivalry and familial morality; honoring beauty together as kindred spirits.Plentitude of Positiveswe have a firm conviction that there are unlimited opportunities and fortuitous paths that ever await us, if we are pivoting in a core of positivity. we are 7 billion people, axing 7 dimensions, in a neighborhood of 7 planets, among 700,000+ galaxies. there are so many reasons to smile, ambitions to strive for, and sources of sustenance to simply step into.Linked Imaginationwe've seen what powerful memes can emerge in the ideaspace when humans envision, labor to create, and then propagate. we value the growing of circles of new thinking and doing. talk is not as valuable as action.
- We are really longing for another place as an outlet where our skills and networks can flourish and be shared for the 'gooder great':A 90-day satellite where we can combine efficiencies to innovate affordably.
If you live in one now, we're honking for harbor.
If such a place doesn't exist, we're inviting you to co-create and co-locate it with us.
- social networks
This is not necessarily a project to build an intentional community. We have ideas to join or start one, but that's a step ahead of us now. We need proper time with solid grounding to pivot our lives for allowing
something like this - and our many other activities - to emerge. so let's start talking. connect with us via social networks today.